2. I get to work on my own schedule.
3. Minimal BS. Skeleton crew and tired staff meaning people work more efficiently in hopes of getting a chance to nap/rest. But there is plenty of time to hang out too!
4. There is time to hold a baby, or 3 babies like I did last night.
5. There is time to talk to a patient's parents for as long as they want and answer as many questions as they want.
6. It is quiet and calm and you have an autonomy that doesn't exist during the day...
7. You get to backwards commute and parking is never an issue.
8. Breakfast with the hubby.
9. Daytime dog walks and trips to the dog park.
10. You get time off during the day to normal people things like shop or go to the post-office.
That's my short list. I'm just finishing a month of wards and then I go to clinic for the month. Life is good. Intern year in more than half way over and all is well over here.
Donate now and sponsor me to ride one or two of the 166 miles from here to Austin on April 12th and 13th.