After today I will officially be finished with intern year. It is a great feeling.
This year flew by. I had my days and months even when I was tired, anxious, self-doubting but I had many more good days and the months turned into a year and now I'm a big, bad grown up second year. Resident still, yes. Intern, hell NO!
Anyhow. It has been a journey. But a good one. I finished off on Development and Behavior which is technically a 2nd year rotation (but because I'm Pedi Neuro we get that instead of Pedi Neuro intern year) so I've been done with the intern/team pager and phone, countless progress notes and all that fun intern jazz for awhile now. No complaints here. Today I get to go to daycare, observe different aged kids normal behavior and then go the the ECI office to learn about Early Childhood Intervention in this great state of Texas. And that is all. Then it is Happy Night with my co-no-longer interns to celebrate.
Life is good. Second year is going to rock. Bring it!