Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Belated Christmas Wishes!

So, I've been sucked into the vortex of residency. But that doesn't mean I'm done with this blog. Life has been busy, but it has also been very good. I worked both the 24th and 25th but it was okay, because someone has to work and because I volunteered my co-interns got the days off to enjoy the holiday. And I enjoyed being at work, I did. Lots of Christmas cheer, Santa sightings and tons of holiday spirit in spite if it all. Being a kid in the hospital is never fun but especially not at Christmas and so yesterday we tried to make the most if it. Silly hats that sing and lighted scarves were just part of the fun.

In other news, I cannot believe that intern year is half over! Hooray! (Gulp.) Wow, how time flies...
I'm actually enjoying nephrology. And next month I'm back on inpatient wards but at our community/county hospital so that will be good. And then I get to take Step 3 in February. And then vacation!!! So very exciting.  So that's what's up with me.

I've decked out our pedi lounge for the holidays and that makes me happy. Belated Merry Christmas wishes to you. And a very happy new New Year too!

P.S. Anyone wear a tacky Christmas sweater on the 24th? I did and it was awesome, not quite as bright as the one pictures above, which I am ordering it now for next year, yay!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas countdown, life and reflections of an intern year almost half over!

Hi all,

I am still here. Sorry if you have been looking for me and I've been MIA. You know, this thing called residency is happening. Doesn't leave too much time for other stuff.

Although my parents did visit Houston for 10 days in October, poor Dr Boyfriend had to do most of the entertaining as I was pulled to MDA (oncology) at the last minute. MDA is suppose to be our hardest month and it was not fun but I survived so I do have that going for me.

Also, Christmas is in 6 days and I am unbelievably excited this year. I have decorated the resident lounge and bought mini stockings for each of us to hang. It makes me very happy. Also (a word I'm using way too much this blog post, sorry about that) I have decided it is okay to wear corny holiday themed antlers and headbands and scarves and hats and all things tacky since I am a pediatrican after all. And I want others to as well so I have declared December 24th, the official wear your tacky Christmas sweater (to work) day! You can participate too, I'd love pictures if you do. If you have to work the holiday you may as well have fun while doing it, that it my motto anyhow.

I'm up early this morning. Presents are wrapped. Cookies are baked. I do have some clinic notes to complete though..... but blogging is more fun.

Oh and random links, just because:

1. interesting, my future research is going to do with this i think:
EverythingHealth: The Microbiome

2. fun gift ideas for the last minute hard to shop for person on your list:

3. just because:

Merry Christmas!!!!

P.S. Don't forget- tacky sweater on 12/24. And the best way to spread Christmas cheer? Singing loud for all to hear!